There are several sections to modifying the check printing and layout within the control record:

  • Set MICR Offsets
  • Set Descriptive Printing
  • Check Placement on Form
  • One Stub or Two
  • Output Control

Set MICR Offsets

The MICR Offsets adjusts the horizontal and vertical printout of the entire check form to paper. By default, the settings are (0, 0) and both settings can be either positive or negative (enter with a “-” dash sign.) The settings are adjusted in inches.

To move the page to the right, adjust the horizontal offset by 0.1 increments. To move the page to the left, subtract from the horizontal offset.

To move the page down, adjust the vertical offset by 0.1 increments. To move the page up, subtract from the vertical offset.

For example, a horizontal offset of 0.25 will move it to the right by 0.25 inches and a vertical offset of -0.10 will move it up 0.10 inches.

Set Descriptive Printing

The Set Descriptive Printing section controls the pre-printed check wordings such as: “DATE,” “AMOUNT,” and “PAY TO THE ORDER OF.”

Enable or disable the printout of each field. You may also adjust the horizontal and vertical offsets for the fields. Each setting is in inches.

Check Placement on Form

The Check Placement on Form controls the “look” of the printed. By default, the template will print checks on top with 2 stubs on the bottom.

MultiCHAX will now print 3-checks-per-page in two different styles:

  • select 3 for 3 checks per page with sizes 3.5“, 3.5” and 4.0“ checks
  • select 3Std for 3 checks per page standard format with a 1/2” tear-off, sizes 3.5“, 3.5” and 3.5“ checks

One Stub or Two

This selection gives you the option of switching between one or two stubs. Select two stubs if you wish to print a duplicate stub on the face of the check. You might wish to keep this extra copy for your records.

Output Control

The Output Control tells MultiCHAX where specific fields of information will be placed on the check you print out. By default, most of the output control settings are set to zero (0) and should be fine for most people. Each field is adjustable to your preference and will need some trial and error. To be more precise, print a test page using the default settings, then use a ruler to measure the distance you wish to move either vertically or horizontally. Each field is moved using inches, and you will rarely use anything greater than 1.0 inches, so make changes in 0.1 increments.

Enabling the Print in Compressed Font feature will cause the related field to be printed using a smaller monospaced font instead of the default fonts.