When MultiCHAX does not launch AUTOMATICALLY after printing to the MultiCHAX Virtual Printer, the application is probably being blocked by your antivirus or user permissions.
Add these files to your antivirus safe list / exception list (consult with the antivirus help on how to do this):
MultiCHAX 7.x
BiImgUser.dll MCXMoNT.dll BuMAppNT.exe
MultiCHAX 8.x
BiImgUser.dll BuMMonNT.dll BuMResNT.dll BuMAppNT1.exe
Alternatively, check the file properties of C:\Multichx\MultiCHX.exe to make sure you are not using compatibility mode.
To open the file properties of MultiCHX.exe:
- Open folder C:\Multichx\
- Right click on file MultiCHX.exe and select PROPERTIES
- Select the Compatibility tab