If you are currently using the MultiCHAX 32-bit edition and are trying to uninstall the virtual printer driver, you may encounter this error message:
Error Number: 0x80040702 Description: Failed to load DLL: MC64RmvNT Setup will now terminate.
To workaround this error, please follow these instructions:
- Open your Devices and Printers list from the Control Panel
- Right click and remove the device called MultiCHAX Virt Prtr 32 BI
- Open regedit by right-clicking the Start Menu, then select Run, and enter “regedit.exe”
- Open the key: hkey_local_machine\software\Microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\
- Right click and delete the key {1191DAC6-B559-4DA4-9103-A98312782E28}
- Open C:\MultiChax\MCData\ folder and run the Virtual Printer Installer once again